Deadhorse Outfitters is a veteran-owned and operated Transporter, that provides transportation into and out of the field for DIY Drop Camp Caribou and Moose hunts in northern Alaska.
Deadhorse Outfitters was founded in July of 2018 by Jeremy Conn and Jeffery (Hook) Callison.
We transport hunters into the wild by Air-Boat for an unforgettable adventure in the North Slope. While you are out there you will see Caribou, Moose, Grizzly, Black Bear, Wolves, and Wolverine (depending on what hunt you're on). And, If you are like a majority of our hunters you will bring home a great trophy and a ton of pictures. But the most important thing you will bring home is the memories of what will likely be the biggest adventure of your life.
The feeling you will get when you arrive on that gravel river bar in the middle of the Arctic wilderness is like nothing you have ever experienced. The air is crisp; the mountains look so close that you could throw a rock and hit them, yet so big as to inspire awe. The river so clean and clear that you can drink from it.
As you step off the Air-Boat you will hardly be able to contain your smile and excitement and then the boat takes off and you are Alone, Alone in the Alaska Wilderness over 100 miles from the nearest village.
We look forward to working with you and making your Alaska dream hunt come true.
Jeremy and Jeff both share a strong passion for the outdoors; from hunting and fishing to land and animal conservation. Both wanted to share that passion with others. We believe that Residents and Non-Residents alike should be able to hunt and experience the Magic of Alaska without having to spend their entire life savings on a hunting trip.

Born and raised in Northern Ohio. During high school, Jeremy Joined the Local Volunteer Fire department. He grew to have a passion for Firefighting and attended Hocking College in Southern Ohio for a degree in Fire Science. Shortly after college in 2004, Jeremy joined the United States Army as a Combat Medic. He deployed to Iraq in 2004 and again to Afghanistan in 2011. Jeremy is still Active-duty Military, He is stationed in San Antonio Texas as the Command Sergeant Major for 187 Medical Battalion. He has around 3 more years before retirement.

Born and raised in Lamar Colorado he has lived in Alaska for almost 25 years now and he is the oldest hunting resident of the haul road and is relied on heavily by the department of fish and game to assist in yearly harvest reports and projections on the next years heard growth. Jeff has held many different positions in the hunting and fishing industry throughout the state of Alaska. He is a very well rounded and knowledgeable man that you will enjoy talking to when you meet him in Prudhoe Bay.
We pride ourselves in the conservation of land and animals not only in the state of Alaska but throughout the united states.
We spend our off-season working directly with all government agencies throughout Alaska to ensure land and animal management is a top priority. We assist yearly with the monitoring of the Central Arctic Herd (CAR) to help predict herd growth and ensure that the CAR is managed appropriately for sustainability
We also pride ourselves in working with and supporting the veteran community not only do we offer discounts but we also work with and donate to many different 501C3 organizations.
Below you will see a list of organizations we have supported by year. If you would like to make a difference, please click on the name, and it will link you to their websites. There are many great organizations out there that give Veterans the opportunity to get out and enjoy the outdoors for free. Though we can not support them all, we do try and support at least 2 organizations a year to get our nation's Heroes out on the ground for some Caribou. We are firm believers that hunting, fishing, and just spending time in the wilderness is a way to allow our Veterans and Active military to escape the hustle of everyday life and heal mentally if need be with Nature.
Veterans are taking their own lives at an alarming rate.
Supporting these organizations is our small way of hopefully making a difference